Be an ECG MASTER:MasteringAnalysisSkills andTechniques inECGReading

New year, New learnings!
Join us as we embark on a new ad𝗩enture, spark new 𝗩iews, and unra𝗩el a better perspecti...
Read More News...Annual ECG Course Returns
Be prepared for a masterclass in reading, interpretation and application of electrocardiograms in this 4-day event focusing on the basics and details of ECG reading and interpretation with clinical...
The "EF" in Heart Failure: Impact on Management and Outcomes
The UP-PGH Department of Medicine and the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine invite you this March 22, 2022, 9 am, on the Unilab Bayanihan Professorial Chair Lecture as Dr. Eugene B. Reyes discuss...